Victoria Smyrniotis

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Studio Vlog Ep. 03 | Botticelli’s Primavera Flowers in Oil Paints

Good morning, how are you doing today? Today I have a mini oil painting I’d like to share. After going through all the video footage I took in Italy, I got inspiration to study some of Botticelli’s oil paintings. My favorite is the Primavera, so I took some floral details from Flora’s dress and I painted them on oil paper.

There’s always something so beautiful about foliage - especially when it creates these gorgeous, intricate patterns. I would love to design something from these details to go on fabric. Imagine having a piece of Botticelli casually hanging in your home, like a tablecloth or dish towels, for example. Something small but special.

Anyway, here’s the third installment of my Studio Vlogs series. I’m really enjoying making these. I hope you like them, too!

Click the play button below to watch the Studio Vlog

P.S. You can faintly see the sketches on the rest of the page above - I have a. few more of these tiny paintings to finish. I’ll share on that soon.

See this gallery in the original post

- Victoria