Victoria Smyrniotis

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Nourishing Chicken Bone Broth Recipe

Today I want to share with you how easy chicken bone broth is to make!

It doesn’t require very much. I’ve calculated that the last few bone broths I’ve made always totaled under $10 for a week’s worth of broth (which is so affordable while delivering such amazing health benefits). All you need is a big pot, a whole chicken, some carrots, a yellow onion, and 6-10 hours to dedicate at home. You’ll also want some mason jars to easily store your broth once its cooled.


1 whole chicken
1 yellow onion
3-5 carrots
1-2 Turkish bay leaves (optional)

Instructions —

  1. Put your chicken in a pot and then fill it with water until the chicken is covered.

  2. Put it on the stove on high while you chop your veggies.

  3. Chop your onion in half and add to your pot.

  4. Clean and chop your carrots into big chunks. Add to your pot.

  5. Keep on high until it’s boiling, then lower heat to a rolling boil. Skim off the brown parts that rise to the top during the first hour.

  6. Add water periodically (every couple of hours).

  7. Cook for 6 - 10 hours. The longer you can let it cook, the more nutrients you’ll get from your chicken.

  8. Let it cool.

  9. Strain and pour in mason jars to warm up daily.

When you want to drink this, boil it for 5-10 minutes on the stove. Add salt and pepper - or oregano and lemon when you want to change it up 🍋

You can add this as a drink in a mug with your lunch, or as something you sip in between meals - or you can use it as a base for soups or rice that you plan to make that same week. If you want to save it for later, you can pour some in a ziplock bag and write the date on it before putting it in the freezer. It should last for a month.

Don’t be alarmed if it gets gelatinous in the fridge. You want it to look like that! It means there’s more nutrients. :)

Let me know if you try this and how you like it!